Capture the Flag: the emergence of complex cooperative agents

Mastering the strategy, tactical understanding, and team play involved in multiplayer video games represents a critical challenge for AI research.
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macOS Get DNS Servers

$ scutil –dns | grep nameserver | sort -u nameserver[0] : 1.
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macOS Get public IPv4/IPv6 address

$ dig +short myip.
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OpenAI Five

Our team of five neural networks, OpenAI Five, has started to defeat amateur human teams at Dota 2.
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The Terror

In 1847, the crew of a real life Royal Naval expedition (later known as Franklin’s expedition) led by three captains, Sir John Franklin, Francis Crozier and James Fitzjames, is sent to find the Arctic’s fabled treacherous Northwest Passage but instead discovers a monstrous polar bear-like predator, a cunning and vicious Gothic horror that stalks the ships in a desperate game of survival.
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The Handmaiden

1930s Korea, in the period of Japanese occupation, a new girl (Sookee) is hired as a handmaiden to a Japanese heiress (Hideko) who lives a secluded life on a large countryside estate with her domineering Uncle (Kouzuki).
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macOS iCloud Drive alias

echo "alias icloud='cd /Library/Mobile\ Documents/comapple~CloudDocs'" >> ~/.
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macOS ll alias

echo "alias ll='ls -alG'" >> ~/.
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macOS Install Homebrew

xcode-select –install /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.
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A cartoon intro to DNS over HTTPS

Threats to users privacy and security are growing.
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