Fedora 34 is officially here!

No matter what variant of Fedora you use, you’re getting the latest the open source world has to offer.
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Fedora 33 is officially here!

This release features GNOME 3.
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Secure NTP with NTS

Fedora 33 is the first Fedora release to support NTS.
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Ubuntu 20.10 on Raspberry Pi delivers the full Linux desktop and micro clouds

Canonical today released Ubuntu 20.
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Btrfs Coming to Fedora 33

User data is the most important thing on a computer.
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Fedora 32 Is Officially Here

No matter what variant of Fedora you use, you’re getting the latest the open source world has to offer.
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Linux DNS Performance Test

$ git clone –depth=1 https://github.
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OpenWrt 18.06.0

The OpenWrt community is proud to announce the first release of the OpenWrt 18.
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WireGuard: Secure Network Tunnel

WireGuard is a secure network tunnel written especially for Linux, which has faced around three years of serious development, deployment, and scrutiny.
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oomd is userspace Out-Of-Memory (OOM) killer for linux systems

We have developed oomd, a faster, more reliable solution to common out-of-memory (OOM) situations, which works in userspace rather than kernelspace.
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